LOWER EAST SIDE. Un día leí que la fotógrafa Francesca Woodman se suicidó tirándose desde la ventana de su casa en el Lower East Side. Hubo una epoca en que un ser excéntrico llamado Andy Warhol tuvo su estudio cerca de Union Square. Robert Maplethorpe, Patti Smith, los Ramones, Blondie, la Velvet Underground, artistas geniales, con vidas al límite y finales trágicos habitaron la zona. ¿Quieres conocer sus historias?
LOWER EAST SIDE. Some time ago, I read that photographer Francesca Woodman committed suicide jumping from the window of her house in the Lower East Side. There was a time when an excentric being called Andy Warhol used to have his open studio near Union Square. Robert Mapplethorpe, Patti Smith, the Ramones, Blondie, the Velvet Underground: extraordinary artists living on the edge and having tragic endings used to live in the area. Do you want to know their stories?

En vez de seguir el camino de cada mañana hacia Nolita para desayunar, el quinto día debimos cambiar y subir por Avenue B donde encontramos el World Atlas Café: bagel con cream cheese, prosciutto y spread de tomates secos y soy latte. Subimos hasta Union Square donde se estaba celebrando el Farmers Market y entramos en el Barnes & Noble que hace muchos años fue The Factory de Andy Warhol. Rumbo al sur otra vez: Forbidden Planet, la flagship store de Kiehl's, St Mark's Comics y el Gem Spa en Saint Mark's Place y Academy Records.
Instead of following the usual way to Nolita to have breakfast, on the fifth day we changed our route and walked up Avenue B where we found World Atlas Café: onion bagel with cream cheese, proscioutto and dried tomato spread and soy latte. We walked up to Union Square on Farmer's Market day and we went into the Barnes & Noble in the building where Andy Warhol's The Factory used to be. Down south again: Forbidden Planet, Kiehl's flagship store, St Mark's Comics and Gem Spa at Saint Mark's Place and Academy Records.

Para comer quisimos bajar hasta Little Italy a comer en Morini: quiche de espinacas y capelletti de ricotta trufada y prosciutto. De postre, nos fuimos a por el primer canoli de nuestras vidas. Después de comer, empezó a llover.Y subimos hasta The Deep End Club, la tienda que Tennessee Thomas tiene en la First Avenue. El día que fuimos Tennessee estaba en Texas en el festival South by Southwest pero estuvimos hablando un buen rato con su amiga Cali que dibuja estampados. Nos contó que su padre es el señor que toca la batería en el disco Lust for Life de Iggy Pop. Y así. Nos despedimos y seguimos paseando: Cloak and Dagger, el edificio de la portada de Physical Graffitti y Joey Ramone Place.
For lunch, we wanted to go down to Little Italy to eat at Morini: spinach quiche and ricotta trufatta capelleti with prosciutto. For dessert, we went get the first canoli of our lies. After lunch, it started to rain. And we went up to The Deep End Club, the store Tennessee Thomas owns in First Avenue. The they we were there, Tennessee was in Texas at the South by Southwest festival but we were talking long with her friend Cali who draws patterns. She told us that her dad played the drums for Iggy Pop in the Lust for Life album. Like that. We said goodbye and kept walking: Cloak and Dagger, Physical Graffiti building and Joey Ramone Place.

El sitio donde estaba el CBGB's ya no guarda nada del original y hay una tienda de ropa muy cara. De vuelta al hotel, le echamos una ojeada a Katz Deli, el sitio donde Meg Ryan fingió un orgasmo. Bajamos a Ludlow Street y entramos en una tienda de guitarras. Subimos por Clinton y cenamos Pad Thai de pollo en One More Thai. Nos tomamos una cerveza en Manitoba's para terminar la noche. Empezaba a hacer mucho frío.
The place where CBGB's used to be has nothing from the original now it is an expensive clothes store. On the way back to the hotel, we passed by Katz Deli, the place where Meg Ryan faked an orgasm. We went down to Ludlow Street and went into a guitar store. We went up Clinton and ate chicken Pad Thai at One More Thai. We had a beer at Manitoba's to close the night. It was starting to be very cold.
1-6. Avenue B // 7-9: Union Square // 10-12: St Mark's Place // 13-14: First Avenue // 15: The Deep End Club // 16-18: The Corner // 19-20: Little Italy // 21: Cloak and Dagger // 22: Joey Ramone Place // 23-27: World Atlas Café // 28-31: Union Square // 32-33: Morini // 34: The Corner // 35: Canoli // 36-39: The Deep End Club // 40: Niagara // 41: Physical Graffiti Building // 42: CBGB's
World Atlas Café: 37 Clinton Street
Union Square Farmer's Market: Union Square
Barnes & Noble: 33 East 17th Street
The Factory: 33 Union Square West
Forbidden Planet: 832 Broadway
Kiehl's Flagship Store: 109 3rd Avenue
St Mark's Comics: 11 St Mark's Place
Gem Spa: 131 2nd Avenue
Academy Records: 11 West 18th Street
Morini: 218 Lafayette Street
The Corner: 114 Kenmare Street
The Deep End Club: 156 1st Avenue
Cloak and Dagger: 441 East 9th Street
Niagara: 112 Avenue A
Physical Graffiti Building: 96-98 St Mark's Place
Joey Ramone Place: East 2nd Street
CBGB's: 315 Bowery
Katz's Deli: 205 East Houston Street
One More Thai: 6 Clinton Street
Manitoba's: 99 Avenue B
All Pictures: Agnes Deer
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